After an unusually long and cold winter in Florida, Spring arrived in my back yard, chasing out the “Old Man” and bringing with it new life. At first, I noticed tiny green tufts on the “B.S Tree” just outside my lanai. This tree belongs to the birds and squirrels, thus it’s name.
These days there is a cacophony of song out there along with some rather suggestive dance routines involving fluttering wings and bright colors in odd places. For instance, the Cat Bird has a very bright orange patch directly under his tail which you and I could miss entirely, but which is apparently something that the female Catbird must see before she’ll dance.
In not more than two or three days, those tiny green tufts on the BS Tree have already developed into full-fledged Spring Green leaves. Spring green, as opposed to autumn green, is fresh, bright and bursting with vitality. The color alone causes my spirit to soar and fills me with anticipation. No wonder the birds sing with such abandon (or it could just be the little orange patch.)
I planted seeds and welcomed the rain which would help them grow. They will be miraculously transformed into colorful Cosmos in a few weeks. All around me are signs of new life. The March winds do their job of blowing away winter debris and coating my lanai with a fine yellow dust, which results in sneezing, snorting, watery eyes, and some complaining. Not my favorite spring gift, but a necessary one. Now as the last of the crisp brown hangers-on float to the ground giving way to the Spring Green new-borns, my Oak trees seem to stand taller and prouder, promising summer shade for the garden.
When I next look, I see that the seemingly lifeless little seeds that I had placed in the dirt a few days ago have sprung to life and I can’t help but smile. How is this possible? My logical mind cannot understand this miracle, but my heart understands. Our God is an awesome God!
I am reminded anew that we are the recipients of a precious gift every morning: God’s unfailing love, freshly wrapped today in the promises of Spring. At this time of the year, the words “He Lives,” become in my heart, “We Live.”
In my Garden, where he walks with me and talks with me, I am thrilled and humbled by the breathtaking beauty of His creation. I am forever grateful for His enduring faithfulness and love expressed in so many ways every day, every season of the year, throughout our lives. And words are not enough to express my gratitude for the gift of eternal life purchased by the blood of God’s own Son, Jesus.
And as if that wasn’t enough, He gives us Spring. What an awesome God!
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