Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I can’t figure out why we are so interested in what other people do in their bedrooms, or even in bedrooms that are not their own. Why so much interest in the sex lives of complete strangers? Is it just me, or do you also wonder what the fascination is.

Watching the on-going media coverage of a sex scandal involving a celebrity or politician is like watching piranhas in a feeding frenzy. Oh, My God! Tiger Woods has slept with countless women (some who have probably never been within arm’s length of him) and has to undergo therapy to help him overcome his “sex addiction.” P L E A S E! And politicians – ah, yes, by the numbers, can’t seem to stay out of bedrooms that are not their own. SO? Do I care? And, if so, WHY?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that “sleeping around” is okay. It’s not okay for me. But what does it have to do with me? Seems to me that those who have difficulty being faithful to their significant other will have to answer to someone who has a greater interest and perhaps the ability to bring about change and offer forgiveness. And that ain’t me.
Okay, the other little irritant today . . . Why so much media coverage and constant talking about the Veep’s little bleeped whispered word to our Prez. Let’s see: we have never heard such language? We have NEVER said a curse word? Our elected officials are pure as the driven snow and should be above uttering such obscenities? Let’s get real. That non-event doesn’t begin to warrant the coverage that it received. What is the matter with us? Obviously, we need some excitement in our lives; something significant to focus on.

Maybe we should turn off the “News” until someone gets the idea that what we’d really like to know is: “What does Michelle wear to bed?”

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Who said, “hope springs eternal?” It’s true. Recently, I wouldn’t have given you a nickle for the future of this country or the millions of people who are desperate for a little ray of sunshine in their darkest hours. That ray of sunshine blasted through over the weekend when Healthcare Reform finally became a reality and my hope for this nation was renewed. Oh, I know - this is not the “Great Fix” for all of our ills, but it is certainly a step in the right direction in spite of the hysterical rhetoric of the Tea Partiers and our lunatic friend, Rush.
I am saddened by the racial and cultural epithets being hurled around so freely. I think we are better than that. I’m disturbed by the not-so-well disguised threats of violence and suggestions that we should “get our guns ready.” I know we’re better than that. We don’t need guns to bring about change – we have the vote. We don’t shoot people with whom we disagree, we try to work things out and if necessary, agree to disagree. We will never all be on the same page, but in this country we are all allowed to have an opinion and express it. We don’t need to express it in hateful and hurtful ways. WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT!
This country has been a great example of democracy in action through the years and my hope is that we will continue to exemplify greatness - great hearts, great minds, great spirits. See, hope does spring eternal!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Rose doesn’t talk any more


The last time I saw her she talked

And sang with me, smiling; even laughing

Showing her many missing teeth

But not today. Today Rose doesn’t talk any more

Says the care-taker on duty

With a finality that troubles me

Rose’s head hangs low, almost resting on her chest

Eyes half closed, seemingly disinterested

Maybe lost altogether . . . but maybe not

I touch her hand and kneel before her

Rose, don’t you want to sing today?

She can’t hear me, or won’t

We’ll sing some of your favorite songs, Rose

Her eyes close

I strum the guitar and begin to sing

Oh, Susanna, Ain’t She Sweet, My Bonnie, Just a Closer Walk

Finally, Jesus loves me, this I know . . .

Rose lifts her head and smiles at me

I love you, she says.